What is the lab?
The Wireless Club lab is a space made for electronics experimentation and ham radio. It contains tons of tools and supplies to build almost any electrical engineering project imaginable. We meet as a club in our lab weekly at 7pm on Thursdays, but dedicated members can have 24/7 access to the space for whatever projects they'd like.
Our lab is located at Hayden Hall 503. The easiest way to find it is to take the elevator in the main entrance (east facing) to the 4th floor. Walk left to the second staircase you see, and take that up to the 5th floor. Our lab is on the right at the top of the stairs. If you have trouble finding it, just send a message on slack and we'll help you!
What's in the lab?
Below is a small listing of some of the equipment we have in the lab. This is by no means exhaustive, and we're always looking to add more tools and supplies to our space. If you have any suggestions, please let our EBoard know!
Electronics Test Equipment
- Oscilloscopes
- Function Generators (RF and lab)
- Power Supplies
- Multimeters
- Soldering Stations
- Hot Air Rework Stations
- Logic Analyzers
Electronics Consumables
- Lots of Wire
- Solder
- Breadboards
- Passive Components
- ICs
- Evaluation Boards
- Arduino and Raspberry Pi
- Sensors and Actuators
Mechanical Tools
- Dremels
- 3D Printers
- Wrenches/Screwdrivers/Pliers
Radio Equipment
- See our page for info on this!
Door Code Access
Club members who have attended at least three meetings in the Hayden lab space may apply for a door code. This requires a $10 nonrefundable due, as well as a written agreement to lab policies. Sign up for a door code, and view the lab policies below.