Field Day 2024!

For the first time in a long time, we're doing field day on Centennial Commons in the heart of campus. Food and lots of Amateur Radio will happen. Be there or be a rhombus! Saturday June 22, from 12pm to 5pm

Who are we?

Founded in 1922, we're the oldest running club on campus. Originally founded as Northeastern's amateur radio club, we now also function as a general makerspace and work to provide opportunities for people to explore topics related to electrical engineering.


  • Weekly Meetings

    We hold meetings in our lab space at 503 Hayden Hall on Thursday evenings at 7pm.

    More about our lab!
  • Ham Exams

    We will help you become a licensed amateur radio operator! We hold Ham exams multiple times a month.

    Get Licensed
  • Workshops

    Every Monday in Richards 254 at 8pm, we have a workshop run in conjunction with the Electric Racing and IEEE clubs.

    Learn More

Workshops and Presentations

Below is a collection of slides from past workshops and club meetings on a variety of topics!

Get Involved!

If you're this far down the page, you must be at least a little interested in what our club has to offer! Here are a few links to connect with us. All lab meetings and workshops are open to anyone regardless of prior experience.